Card Counting at Blackjack – Some players have perfected the skill of counting cards while playing Blackjack. But how does counting cards work in Blackjack? This article aims to clarify things for you.
In short, contrary to its name, card counting doesn't involve tallying cards. Instead, you assign a value to each card dealt. Professional Blackjack players typically use +1, -1, or zero. For instance, when a high card appears, you add +1. You subtract one (-1) if a low-value card is drawn. An average card value warrants no action, i.e., zero (0).
Hence, it becomes evident that counting the cards during a game of Blackjack doesn't involve adding or subtracting actual card values. Not does a player counts the cards that have been handed out.

Table of Contents
Card Counting, the quick version.
Card counting is a strategy used in blackjack to determine whether the next hand will likely give a probable advantage to the player or the dealer. It's based on the high cards (10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace) and low cards (2-6) remaining in the deck. Here's a comprehensive breakdown of the most valuable aspects of card counting:
- Basic Principle: Card counting operates on the principle that high cards (especially aces and tens) benefit the player more than the dealer, whereas low cards benefit the dealer. By keeping track of the ratio of high to low cards left in the deck, players can adjust their bets and playing strategies to maximize their odds of winning.
- Popular Systems: The most commonly used system is the Hi-Lo strategy. Here, cards 2-6 are assigned a value of +1; cards 7-9 are valued at 0; and 10, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace are valued at -1. The player keeps a “running count” based on these values, as the cards show. To adjust for multiple decks, the running count can be converted into a “true count” by dividing it by the number of decks left in the shoe.
- Legality: Counting cards at a Blackjack game is legal in most jurisdictions, provided the counter does not use external devices to keep track of cards. However, casinos reserve the right to refuse service to anyone they perceive as having an unfair advantage, including card counters.
- Skill and Practice: Effective card counting requires practice and skill. Counters must maintain accuracy in their counts while playing quickly, managing their bets, and often simulating typical tourist behaviour to avoid detection by casino surveillance.
- Bankroll Management: Successful card counting also demands rigorous bankroll management to weather the fluctuations and variance associated with card counting strategies. Proper bet sizing based on the count and a sufficient bankroll to absorb losses during an unfavourable count is crucial.
- Countermeasures and Challenges: Casinos employ various measures to counteract card counting, including increasing the number of decks in play, shuffling the deck more frequently, using continuous shuffling machines, and imposing stricter betting spreads. Counters often need to play in a manner that avoids detection while still trying to capitalize on favourable counts.
- Learning and Resources: Numerous resources, including books, software, and online tutorials, are available for learning card counting. Practising simulation software can be particularly helpful in mastering the technique.
Understanding and applying card counting requires dedication and strategic thinking but can significantly enhance a player's chances in blackjack when used correctly.
The Legality of Counting Cards when Playing Blackjack
The above serves as a brief introduction to counting cards. We will explore various methods or counting systems (like a Roulette system) used by casino players later. However, a critical note before we proceed: Card counting in Blackjack is entirely legal!
The Legality of Counting Cards when Playing Blackjack The above serves as a brief introduction to counting cards. We will explore various methods or counting systems used by casino players later. However, a critical note before we proceed: Card counting in Blackjack is entirely legal! Casinos might lead players to believe that counting while playing Blackjack is prohibited—this is misinformation.
You're not engaging in anything illegal. You're simply applying a “mnemonic” technique, assigning values to the cards yourself. Based on these values, you aim to improve your chances of “predicting” the value of the next card—nothing more, nothing less.
The Theory Behind Card Counting
Historically, Blackjack was played with a single deck of cards. In this traditional format, the “house edge” (a casino's percentage advantage) is negligible if you employ the best counting method. Combined with a good memory, you could even turn the game profitable. Blackjack is the only casino game suitable for this.
By tracking the values of the cards, you can theoretically reduce the house edge to zero. Some professional Blackjack players make a living by counting cards.
Valuable information for you
Counting the cards provides valuable information to apply to your betting strategy. You decide whether to bet or stand based on the cards already drawn. You already have a better insight into which cards remain in the game.
If many high cards remain, your chance of a Blackjack* (or 21 in total) is higher than if many low-value cards remain. With many low-value cards in play, the dealer's risk of “busting” is lower.
Blackjack or 21?
*A “Blackjack” only counts if you have a combination of an Ace and a “face value” card of 10, i.e., King, Queen, Jack, or ten. A 21 with more than two cards is not a “Blackjack,” and the payout is lower.
Implementing Card Counting in Practice
As introduced earlier, “counting cards” merely assign a +, a -, or a 0 to the dealt cards. This counting method is known as the “High-Low” count. This is the simplest form of counting all cards in blackjack. You only need to remember three groups of cards: high cards, low cards, and cards of average value.
High Face Value
You subtract one point from your count for each high-face-value card (10 or face cards). You do the opposite with low-value cards, which include two through six. If a card falls into this group, you add one point. Cards with sevens, eights, and nines are not included in your count, keeping the sum at zero.
Suppose you have a positive four count. This indicates that many low cards have already been played, and relatively many high-value cards are left in the deck. Based on this, you could bet higher than you initially intended. However, confidence in your counting ability is essential.
Negative Results can be Positive!
Should your count result be negative, it indicates that many high cards have already been played. Consequently, the likelihood of low-value cards appearing is higher. As described earlier, the dealer's chance of busting becomes relatively smaller. This may be the opportune moment to fold or bet lower.
Practice Makes Perfect
Card counting may seem straightforward at first glance (similar to a strategy in Baccarat), but it is advisable to practise thoroughly before implementing this method in a live Blackjack game.
Mastering this strategy flawlessly demands focus and memory training. Maintaining concentration can be challenging, especially in a (live) casino with multiple players at the table and considerable background noise.
Playing blackjack at a live online casino offers the advantage of using a notepad to track your count. As nobody can observe your actions, you can note your count freely. Technically, you could do the same in a physical casino, but we wouldn't recommend it. It may appear odd and lead your fellow players to suspect you're jotting down notes about them, which breaches “casino etiquette.”

Counting the Cards Doesn't Guarantee Winnings
It's critical to understand that counting cards in blackjack doesn't guarantee winnings. The counting method merely provides information on the cards already played in the game. Theoretically, this could lower the casino's house edge or even reduce it to zero. However, even then, Blackjack remains a game of chance, much like online roulette.
Furthermore, it's essential to acknowledge that a card counting method does NOT work with software versions of popular Blackjack games available in online casinos. To be able to count, you must play with physical cards.
Last but not least!
Lastly, Blackjack's most effective counting outcomes are realized when only one deck of cards is in play. Counting multiple decks in the “shoe” becomes significantly more challenging.
For instance, with six decks, there are already 24 Aces. That's without considering the number of high cards like Kings, Queens, and Jacks. One can imagine that counting differs a lot when there are fewer decks in the game.
However, it is important to note that card counting is not a viable strategy in online versions of popular Blackjack games found in online casinos. Card counting requires physical cards to be effective.
Answers to Your Questions
Is there a "Best Strategy" for card counting?
The Hi-Lo strategy is considered a 'balanced' counting system due to the alignment of High, Neutral, and Low cards in a deck summing to zero. This system demands you to maintain a cumulative tally of all cards presented in the game. so not considereing only just your own hand but also the dealer's. On a multiplayer table you would also need to count the cards dealt to your opponents
Can the casino tell when I am counting Cards?
Regardless of the specific counting system being utilized, the guiding principle remains consistent. If an individual places high bets when the count is high and decreases their bet when the count drops, they could potentially be employing a counting strategy. Similarly, if a person refrains from playing when you do, they might also be a card counter. This pattern of behavior is typically indicative of counting tactics in play and casinos are well aware.
Does it take long to learning counting cards
It is hard to tell and differs form person to person. Our estimation suggests that it typically requires between 100 to 200 hours of practice counting cards at home before an average individual acquires the skills needed to gain an edge over the casinos. Yet, even after investing this much time in practice, we advise against adopting a highly aggressive strategy in a casino until you've accumulated around 40 to 50 hours of casino-specific card counting training.
Learning to count card by myself, what is the best method?
Practicing card counting at home can be achieved by shuffling six or eight decks of cards and dealing them out. In the event you lose track of the running count, you have the liberty to review the dealt cards without any constraints. It's preferable to hone these skills at home for free, rather than risking actual money at a casino.